February 17, 2020
Sample project to show one way to use captivate for storyboarding
February 17, 2020
Sample project to show one way to use captivate for storyboarding

I am an agile coach and an executive leadership coach. I typically work with organizations who want to transform their culture, often involving many people, like my current client of 300,000 people. I'm hoping to learn to do eLearning well enough to scale myself.

Followers: 11 people
Hi folks – This sample project shows how easy it is to move your storyboard for an eLearning course over from powerpoint to captivate. I just went into New file, import ppt. Why? Because I had started my storyboard, very rough, in powerpoint, then got it to a nicer looking point where I wanted to start cleaning it up in captivate.
I hope you find this to be a useful asset / sample project.

I am an agile coach and an executive leadership coach. I typically work with organizations who want to transform their culture, often involving many people, like my current client of 300,000 people. I'm hoping to learn to do eLearning well enough to scale myself.

Followers: 11 people
I am an agile coach and an executive leadership coach. I typically work with organizations who want to transform their culture, often involving many people, like my current client of 300,000 people. I'm hoping to learn to do eLearning well enough to scale myself.
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