March 12, 2020
How to return to Captivate HTML5 from an embedded link
March 12, 2020
How to return to Captivate HTML5 from an embedded link
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 1 people

Hi all – In my current project I am developing interactive video content in Captivate. One slide has a button that opens a hyperlink to a video. I have tested the published HTML file (and button with hyperlink) and it all works beautifully.

The issue is – how do I make it possible for the user to return to the HTML doc, from where they clicked the button to go to the video, after viewing the video?

I have tried setting advanced actions for the button containing the hyperlink to “Continue” but is does not yield the desired result.

This project is crucial in getting much needed work from an important client – yeah the typical freelance problem !

I would appreciate your inputs very much.

2020-03-15 08:34:44
2020-03-15 08:34:44

Please give details. Maybe you don’t want help?  I see you posted exactly the same sentence on multiple threads. Copy/paste?

2020-03-14 13:55:11
2020-03-14 13:55:11

Hi Peter Nortjè

The problem is that when you send the user to another platform to run the video, this platform won’t send the user again to your course.

The solution is that;

You should embed your video into your course. Not send them to any other platform like Youtube or Vimeo. You can call this video inside the course. I do not recommend uploading the video to the course directly. Just embed it.

2020-03-12 08:50:16
2020-03-12 08:50:16

Do you open the link in a new tab or window? Tell also which exact version you are using and which OS.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-03-13 08:57:53
2020-03-13 08:57:53
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

I am having the same issue.

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