April 8, 2020
2 questions about this platform…
April 8, 2020
2 questions about this platform…
I'm a former teacher (and headmaster) in french primary schools. Now I work as a freelance on the net as a webmaster. I used to work with Flash for many years, but now I'm starting to discover Captivate and find it amazing !...
Master 64 posts
Followers: 21 people

Hello !…

1./ I can’t access my notifications here anymore… Ask me to : “Unable to fetch content! Check your connection & retry.”

But I’m correctly connected… as I can post here ???… Is it the same for you ?…

2./ I see there are many “Webinars” about Captivate… But I’m wondering how to access them easily without having to fullfill another long form ?…

Thanks !

2020-04-09 10:36:48
2020-04-09 10:36:48

Thank you Lieve (Always faster than me !!!…) !… In fact I was about to answer myself as my notification panel worked again yesterday… and is now back to normal again…

For the webinars, Adobe should give an easy access to the registred users here… Don’t want to give my phone number or other personnal details about my life on the net !…

Happy Captivate and stay safe !… đŸ˜‰

Ludovic Mercier
's comment
2020-04-09 10:52:23
2020-04-09 10:52:23
Ludovic Mercier
's comment

Understand… but you know this portal and the third party people: it is all about marketing, not always about customer friendliness.

When they allowed me to present webinars in the past, I never got mail addresses…

You made me smile with ‘faster’ comment, reminds me of my secretary in university college, always complaining about my typing speed because she was embarrassed.  

2020-04-09 10:30:39
2020-04-09 10:30:39

Did you try to refresh the browser? I always have that message when trying to access notifications. But recently I missed some notifications because I couldn’t get rid of it. Today again normal situation. This platform is clearly not on the priority list.

Gave up for the webinars, not much new anyway. But automatic fill in does help if you turn it on.  Most webinars are not hosted by Adobe but by third party people, be careful to see ‘who’ is presenting…

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