April 24, 2020
Captivate 0 Image blocked or covered upon entrance to slide
April 24, 2020
Captivate 0 Image blocked or covered upon entrance to slide
Followers: 0 people

I recently had my laptop re-imaged and Captivate re-installed.  I’m working on a module that I have an image of myself that was “selected and masked” in Photoshop so I could be properly cropped out and used as a character.  When I preview the slide my image enters the slide and is completely covered in red.  What is causing the problem and how do I correct it?

It worked fine prior to my software being re-installed.

2020-05-03 08:03:52
2020-05-03 08:03:52

You didn’t answer neither on the Adobe forums nor here. Could you fix the problem, please?

2020-05-01 07:30:18
2020-05-01 07:30:18

I suspect that I already gave you an answer on the Adobe forums, including some questions. The file size of that image was HUGE. Please reduce the size. Maybe clearing the cache and upgrading drivers can help as well.

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