April 9, 2020
Captivate project published on iMac doesn’t report percentage of success
April 9, 2020
Captivate project published on iMac doesn’t report percentage of success
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people


I made a Captivate Quiz on a Windows pc. Since the corona situation I work at home on an iMac.
I made some minor changes in the Captivate Quiz and published this on the Mac.

When users complete the quiz, the report from the LMS shows the status Complete, but not the succes rate (percentage). This was not the case before.

Could it be that there’s a difference in publishing Captivate 2019 on the Mac or on the Windows pc?
Or should the problem be solved in the LMS?
Thanks for answers!


2020-06-02 13:27:55
2020-06-02 13:27:55

You can also go to the SCORM Cloud site directly and upload (limited number of) the published course. It is sort of a standard for SCORM compliancy. Since it is your colleague who mostly publishes the SCO, Preview in SCORM Cloud may be a solution for you, it is not always working perfecttly.

2020-05-19 10:15:25
2020-05-19 10:15:25

Hello Lieve,

I’ using Adobe 2019, version I didn’t know about SCORM cloud. Usually I just deliver the ZIP-file and my colleague publishes it in the SCORM.

Hereby I sent you a screenshot of the Reporting dialog box.

Thanks Lieve!



's comment
2020-05-19 10:19:45
2020-05-19 10:19:45
's comment

Reporting setup seems fine. I really would check in SCORM Cloud to see if the problem is with the LMS or with Captivate. make also sure to have at least one slide after the score slide.

's comment
2020-06-02 12:59:23
2020-06-02 12:59:23
's comment

Thank you Lieve, could you tell me which SCORM Cloud I can use? I suppose there are more options? And thanks for emphasizing the importance of the slide after the score slide. Will make sure its stays there!

's comment
2020-06-02 13:19:26
2020-06-02 13:19:26
's comment

Lieve, I’ve just answered my last question; I saw the option SCORM Cloud in the Preview!

Thanks, I’ve published the preview in SCORM Cloud, and that gives me a lot of information.
Didn’t know this existed!

2020-04-13 08:20:59
2020-04-13 08:20:59

Can you include a screenshot of the Reporting dialog box? Which exact version do you use? Did you test on SCORM Cloud?

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