April 22, 2020
Quiz Results page showing an incorrect total number of questions than on actual quiz
April 22, 2020
Quiz Results page showing an incorrect total number of questions than on actual quiz
Newbie 1 posts
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I have imported an older captivate (flash) elearning course into Captivate 2019 (html) and there are 6 question quiz at the end.  when I preview the course within captivate, I get the correct number of total questions; 6.  When preview using HTML browser (Chrome & IE) the quiz results slide is showing 50 total questions.  I preview the total questions per project variable at the start and it display 0, so where is the 50 coming from?  any help is greatly appreciated.

captivate quiz

2020-05-07 20:36:59
2020-05-07 20:36:59

Hello Lieve,

I am still have not resolved the problem…I deleted all old quiz questions and started with fresh quiz slides; a total of 6 questions.  When I run in preview mode with captivate, it works but when I when in HTML5 browser mode, the results slide continues to show 51 total questions.  I includes a couple screen shots.  I am at a loss…where is the 51 questions coming from? Also, if I use the retake quiz button, it returns me to slide 14 of the course and not the first question in the quiz on slide 94.

's comment
2020-05-09 07:51:05
2020-05-09 07:51:05
's comment

Did you check out the Advanced Interaction panel (F9) as I suggested in my first answer? You can attach a screenshot if you have issues ‘reading’ it. Sorry, but I don’t download attachments. The fact that you mention that Retake is going to slide 14 is supporting my intuition that you have a scored object on slide 14 and many more on later slides. Each scored object will be included in the total number of ‘questions’. You may even see a difference in Total score, which will be higher than the one summarizing only the question scores.

2020-05-02 08:01:01
2020-05-02 08:01:01

I would love to hear if you were able to solve the problem or need more help?

2020-04-24 08:30:31
2020-04-24 08:30:31
2020-04-24 08:29:41
2020-04-24 08:29:41

I am busy writing out a blog for a very useful, but unknown panel in Captivate: Advanced Interaction. You open that panel from the Project menu or with F9.

You should check it out, because one of its features is to show all scored objects, not only the quiz slides. You may have interactive objects which are set to report.

Since you only talk about the number of questions, you may also ignore that Knowledge check slides may be included in the quizzing system variables. I will post a link to a blog where you’ll find a downloadable table explaining all quizzing system variables. In a separate comment, may have to wait for moderation.

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