There are many features within Adobe Connect which help create a secure Meeting environment for Seminars, Virtual Classes and general collaboration.
1. Customizable folder permissions: Upon logging in as a Meeting Host or Administrator, within Adobe Connect Central, you will see three folders where persistent Adobe Connect Meeting Rooms can be created an reside: Shared Meetings, User Meetings or My Meetings. All these Meeting folders, sub-folders and even the Meeting rooms within the sundry folders all can have customized permissions, but the general rule, with an eye toward security, is to use the Shared folder for Meetings with multiple hosts. Meetings can be moved among folders and permissions can be set on the various folders and sub-folders, so wherever you create a Meeting, it is not stuck there should you decide to move it.
2. Tight controls over who can enter Meetings: When creating a Meeting, the Host may prescribe access restrictions and, if needed, subsequently edit them: The default Meeting access selection is secure: Only registered users and accepted guests may enter the room. Hosts have the versatility and flexibility to make the permission less stringent.
3. Secure encrypted connection: Wile the login details and uploaded content within a Meeting are secured by default with HTTPS, Administrators may choose to encrypt the Real-time Management Protocol that drives Meetings and also to secure the Web Services API: Administration>More Settings>Requires SSL Connection (RTMPS) and Enable Enhanced Security. These settings are account-wide and thereby affect all Meetings.
4. Login and password policies: To set password length, expiry settings, and other password restrictions or additional Meeting passcode requirements, administrators may go to: Administration>Users and Groups> Edit Login and Password Policies.
5. Compliance and control settings: Adobe Connect is very rich with features; sometimes within an enterprise, security regulations or general prudence may dictate limiting users to a subset of the sundry features available; the Compliance and Control settings offer a number of options that shut off features that may not be desired such as aspects of screen-sharing, recording, etc.: Administration>Compliance and Control
6. Enterprise grade single sign-on: Single Sign-on (SSO) is integrated with Adobe Connect and easy to implement. It is easily activated using the Web Services API.
For more detailed information on all these and more related topics see the following article:
Also see the Adobe Connect Security First Page:
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