Assets showing how to get the video start time rights

Hi all – Here is a free asset where you can see the solution to two problems, which were:
1. The video I inserted to captivate from youtube was starting in the middle vs at the beginning, and
2. The video once inserted in captivate, was not starting at the beginning on the slide. My users are impatient, and I don’t want to lose them.
The fixes:
1. To # 1 above – make sure you get the right youtube link – a link that starts the video from the beginning. I originally had a link that was starting my youtube 26 seconds into the video. I inserted that link into captivate, not knowing it was actually a different link.
2. To #2 above – just click on the captivate timeline, and drag the video all the way to the left of the timeline. Or set the start time as 0 in properties.
I hope this is useful and saves you time!
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