May 9, 2020
Free People Cutout and eLearning Templates
May 9, 2020
Free People Cutout and eLearning Templates

I am an eLearning Professional for 15 years. I was a product manager for Adobe Captivate, Adobe Connect and Adobe Presenter tools for my region, Turkey and EMEA. After working for a company as a product manager, I have started my business which was working on eLearning. This company has been acquired by a leading education group.Now, with Kipru, I am serving companies to create eLearning courses and implement eLearning solutions like LMSs to their companies.Look forward to hearing from you. Let's connect!

Followers: 12 people
Creating an eLearning course is about using many different visual assets. Preparation is the most significant part of an eLearning project. you have to find some background images for your slides and some templates to use it in your eLearning project.
Adobe giving you its asset library with many digital assets. There are +75000 free assets in Adobe Captivate 2019’s subscription.
In this video, I have shown you how can you find and add digital assets to your eLearning courses. Also, there are many digital assets from the eLearning Brothers.

I am an eLearning Professional for 15 years. I was a product manager for Adobe Captivate, Adobe Connect and Adobe Presenter tools for my region, Turkey and EMEA. After working for a company as a product manager, I have started my business which was working on eLearning. This company has been acquired by a leading education group.Now, with Kipru, I am serving companies to create eLearning courses and implement eLearning solutions like LMSs to their companies.Look forward to hearing from you. Let's connect!

Followers: 12 people
I am an eLearning Professional for 15 years. I was a product manager for Adobe Captivate, Adobe Connect and Adobe Presenter tools for my region, Turkey and EMEA. After working for a company as a product manager, I have started my business which was working on eLearning. This company has been acquired by a leading education group.Now, with Kipru, I am serving companies to create eLearning courses and implement eLearning solutions like LMSs to their companies.Look forward to hearing from you. Let's connect!
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