May 25, 2020
Good and bad posture project
May 25, 2020
Good and bad posture project
Pooja works as a Senior Director of Digital Learning at Icertis. She has created several award-winning eLearning courses and authored books and video courses on eLearning tools and technologies. In her previous roles, she worked as a principal eLearning evangelist at Adobe and chief learning geek at a start-up. Pooja is CPTD, and COTP certified. She holds a master’s degree in education & economics and a doctorate in educational technology.
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In this interaction, you can drag the good and bad posture examples to their respective categories.

What is that example intending to do? When should the user use such a theme?

This is a drag and drop interaction for categorizing objects where you allow more than one object to be linked to a drop target. This is a practice type interaction, where the learner will get an immediate feedback on answering the question incorrectly, and will get an option to try again.

2020-12-23 19:54:45
2020-12-23 19:54:45

Visual appealing interaction. Really nice, Pooja!

Nikolas Markatopoulos
's comment
2021-01-04 07:29:34
2021-01-04 07:29:34
Nikolas Markatopoulos
's comment

Thanks, Nikolas 🙂

2020-09-27 15:50:00
2020-09-27 15:50:00

A good slide. Are these human graphics free to use for any type of project?

2020-09-08 00:44:35
2020-09-08 00:44:35

This is cute. Thanks Pooja!

2020-08-17 23:45:09
2020-08-17 23:45:09

I gotta agree that the red arches point to the bad posture.   I does give me ideas though.

2020-08-03 12:04:20
2020-08-03 12:04:20

Nice, modern graphics. But the bad answers are signalled by the red archs. It makes the answers a little bit too easy.

2020-06-24 14:00:25
2020-06-24 14:00:25

I love the simplicity of this interaction!

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