Mental Math Test made with Captivate
Hello Captivaters !…
Today I want to share with you an example of a mental maths test made with Captivate !…
For this purpose I used the questions pools (with 4 pools – 1/ Additions – 2/Substractions – 3/Doubles – 4/halfs) and for the first time I tried the timer option (limit of 5 seconds per questions)…
Here is the project :

Some tricks and advices :
– I want to add a timer on the screen… And a simple animated gif did perfectly the trick !…
– Be very careful when you made the first question slide as you’ll have to duplicate it multiple times… If you do like me !… And if you realize that something is not so good when you finish the project, you’ll have to replicate on all the questions slides… and if they are 100s !!!… it’s very boring !… So think twice or even a third time before duplicate the question slides…
Many other projects on the subject are already uploaded on this page :
Happy Captivating and stay safe !…
It appears that there was some disfonctions with other browsers with the animated gif…
I had to try and find another solution !…
See here :
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