May 29, 2020
Need Help – Learning Interaction – Timer
May 29, 2020
Need Help – Learning Interaction – Timer
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi everyone, a newbie at using Captivate.  I am hoping for a bit of help.  I’ve made a video simulation to showcase some software.  I wanted to compare two processes.  That’s fine; I made the two videos good to go.  However, I wanted to put in a timer to show how fast/time consuming one is vs the other.  Fine I got the timer in there but when I try to add the videos to a slide project, I believe it’s called a responsive project? And try to convert the project into a movie the timer disappears.

If someone could help me out it would greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

2021-11-30 06:35:45
2021-11-30 06:35:45

I like this idea but its hard to say without seeing a visual

2020-06-03 15:44:38
2020-06-03 15:44:38

You did create the videos from a software simulation or with Video Demo?  Video Demo slides can be inserted directly as cpvc-slides in any cptx project. They have the advantage that they are synchronized with Captivate as is not the case for videos inserted as Event video.

You just want to show the time? It can be done with the Timing Learning Interaction. However you need to be aware of the fact that it will also continue when the learner is pausing the video. Do you allow pausing?

Another approach could be based on the use of timing system variables.

Most urgent question: do you use Slide video or Event video????

2020-06-03 11:39:19
2020-06-03 11:39:19

Hi phil_usta ,

It is really hard to say something without seeing the project. Could you upload your project anywhere and share the link to check?

's comment
2020-06-03 14:32:22
2020-06-03 14:32:22
's comment

Hi farukerdogan, I appreciate that but I’m reluctant to do that because there’s some sensitive company information that I shouldn’t be sharing.  The issue I’m having is that once the slides are added to the project I can use ‘interactions’ and add the timer, however, once I publish the project as an mp4 (or whatever the video output is in Captivate) the timer is not showing.  It disappears.  I don’t know if that helps at all in shedding some light on my issue.

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