May 5, 2020
Restrict next button until the current smart shape is playing its audio
May 5, 2020
Restrict next button until the current smart shape is playing its audio


I am working on a project. There are 6 steps in my slide. Each step has the next step button with it. The steps are smart shape and they have audio assigned to it.

When the slide starts step one begins and the button next to it will continue the project on clicking.

What do I want?

I want until the step one smart shape completes the user should not be able to click on this next button.

Please help !

2020-05-10 08:25:06
2020-05-10 08:25:06

Forgot to add another question. Did you reflect on a possible situation: what do you want to happen when this slides is ‘revisited’? Do you want the learner to have exactly the same experience, waiting all the time? Or do you want a ‘quicker’ scenario. If you do not expect the learner to revisit the slide you can ignore this comment.

2020-05-07 09:07:30
2020-05-07 09:07:30

Third scenario

Use states instead of individual objects… If you want to try this scenario, let me know and I will write out a workflow. Already have been typing too much and you may never return to read these proposals as happens with the majority of users.

2020-05-07 09:05:57
2020-05-07 09:05:57

Second scenario

If you insist on having everything on the same slide, stagger the Step Timelines. You need to know the length of each audio clip to know when the next one needs to start. Use the steps as shape buttons, and put their pausing point near the end of the audio clip. However, since all audio needs to be loaded On Enter of the slide, for long clips this may lead to synchronisation issues.


2020-05-07 09:03:03
2020-05-07 09:03:03

First scenario

Have no idea how long the audio clips are. The easiest way would be to spread this slide over multiple slides. You can have the step shape which is added on each slide displayed for the rest of the project (you can hide them again at the slide after the completion of the interaction).

On each slide you add the Play or Next button to appear after the end of the audio clip. In this scenario you could even use slide audio instead of object audio, which will allow to use CC as a surplus.

2020-05-07 08:59:27
2020-05-07 08:59:27

It looks like you are not completely at grips with the Timeline. I see two interactive objects: Playbutton and Step1 seems to be a button as well. But they have pausing points, not at the same moment.  The Playbutton has a pausing point before the end of the Rotation Effect (which will not finish) at 1.3secs. The Step1 button has also a pausing point, later, at 2 seconds. Why is that slide duration so long? The following Step2 is NOT an interactive object at all. Both Step1 and Step2 have object audio. The consequences are:

  • Playhead will stop at 1.5 seconds with a part of the rotation for that button completed.
  • Clicking the Playbutton will result in releasing the playhead (if it is a simple action and Continue playing the project is kept as option). Step1 will appear and its audio will play.
  • But Step2 appears before the pausing point of Step1 is reached. Result: both audio clips will play at the same time.

I strongly recommend you to read and learn about the Timeline. Will try to offer some solutions in next comment. Here is one link:

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