Game created with SVGs and Shared actions.
Have some fun with a new game. It has been created with mult-colored SVGs created in Illustrator. No Javascript was needed. I used:
- Three shared actions: one fot he correct shapes (used 8 times), one for the incorrect shapes (
- Two advanced actions to be used On Enter for the play slides
- 6 variables.
Game rules are in the course. Lot more variations are possible: more pairs, trios…

Thanks, Ludovic. I regret a little bit that the majority of Games promoted in this portal are JS based, which makes them out of reach for most Captivate developers. I am stubborn, try to prove that you can create games without coding. Some of my shared actions have JS embedded (for formatting numbers or creating random numbers) but they can be used by anyone, just having to fill in the parameters.
Hello Lieve,
There is this new section added in this community: A challenge is also going on there: eLearning Showcase Challenge. You may add your projects there too:)
Have seen that announcement, but due to the explanation this is only about Design, beautiful graphics, and to American taste. I was not talking about that at all. Just complaining that many newbies start to believe that you do need to be a JS programmer to create engaging courses or add games. Since almost 12 years I have showcased over and over again that Advanced and Shared actions are able to create games. You may ignore that I am the contributor n° 1 of this community as well. I have seen the projects, some are nice, but I am not impressed at all by the technical quality (use of Captivate’s features). Hence my sentence about: only graphical design seems to be important.
Oops, have been working too long on this project. Was it on the first game slide or the second.
It was really tough to get the shared actions work fully. What you detected is a bug on my part, need to replace one of those shapes. Thanks for detecting it. I know to have replaced the fifth one at the last moment because it paired with another shape. My apologies.
Did you check this version, it is fixed.
I don’t mind the flickering (reloading slide) in this type of games that much. Do you know that it is less than 5MB? Never can be done when you use bitmap images. Each shape is only about 1.3Kb. I didn’t edit the colors in Captivate however… used LivePaint in Illustrator.
Hello Lieve !…
Checked yesterday !… And everything looked fine for me in this new version !…
I tried to answer you before but you were edited your post and it was removed as I answered you…
I told you you don’t need to make any apologies… Even if there are “problems” in the project !… I think that’s the idea which is the most important !… And the sharing of this project, like the previous one (, is of great inspiration for me, and for others no doubt !…
Thanks again so !…
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