June 29, 2020
Quiz messages
June 29, 2020
Quiz messages
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I had developed a series of responsive online modules – with a short quiz at the end of each module.  Initially I only had 5 questions and the messaging for correct/incorrect answers worked well.  When I went back and added additional quiz questions – the messaging will not work for those additional questions.  I have checked the preferences and can’t find any reason why they are not appearing.  The scoring page has taken into account the additional questions.

Hope someone can help


2022-06-16 00:33:44
2022-06-16 00:33:44

Did you ever get this issue resolved? Seems like a bizarre issue.

2021-11-30 05:57:18
2021-11-30 05:57:18

Did you get this resolved with Lieve’s advice?

2020-06-30 07:26:09
2020-06-30 07:26:09

Did you edit the quizzing master slides and/or the quiz slides added? You should only disable, never delete embedded quiz objects. Those are objects which do not have an individual timeline, you have a lot of them on quiz slides.  Since you talk about the feedback messages: did you change the two-step Submit process.

Since the score slide is OK, nothing seems to be wrong with the scoring which could be double-checked in the Advanced Interaction panel (F9).  About the Submit process have a look at one of my many Quiz; blogs:


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