How do I link user interactions in a custom Adobe Animate interactive to report metrics such as time spent on a screen and which assets and buttons students are interacting with to Captivate’s analytics reporting system?
Hi Everyone,
I am a student developer and missed the Flash era. I am now trying to build a Flash-like media interactive in Adobe Animate for an HTML5 export.
My question is, how do I link user interactions (not simply animations) in an Adobe Animate interactive to pass metrics such as time spent on a screen and assets in the HTML5 interactive that students are interacting with into Captivate’s user analytics reporting system?
Has anyone done anything like this in Captivate or another platform and know of any tutorials? I know it is possible in the learning industry, but I haven’t yet connected with any resources on how to implement it. I’m comfortable with coding and learning any tools or APIs. I would also like to know if it can’t be done in Animate or Captivate so I can move on to another platform. I am as far as my own research will carry me and would appreciate any help or recommendations.
You will need some complicated JS programming to establixh interaction between the Animate files and Captivate, and to have serious analytics, maybe server-side programming as well.
I am completely aware of the fact that you can create wonderful animations in Animate, but for real interactions Captivate is the King or Queen… At this moment the collaboration between Animate and Captivate (which was very good in the SWF period) needs some updating, so that it is acting more like roundtripping with PS, AI, AU.
You talk about user analytics, which is at least partially done using a LMS in collaboration with Captivate. Each eLearning authoring tool needs such a companion. But you don’t mention a LMS?
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