June 25, 2020
Save your organisation LMS cost
June 25, 2020
Save your organisation LMS cost
Technical writer cum instructional designer wanting to explore and contribute to adobe captivate to its optimum potential.
Newbie 15 posts
Followers: 2 people

When I was asked to create a simple but impressive RPA video demo, I counter requested a market standard video editing software over traditional PowerPoint. Post approvals, I was directed to browse and propose the intended software, and after comparing Adobe Captivate and TechSmith Camtasia, I chose the former going by the brand value and have not regretted the decision since.

What started as a video demo and software simulation development initially, slowly but steadily increased my curiosity to explore the eLearning content development feature in captivate and it was then it struck me that the expensive LMS vendor my organisation uses can be utilised to present internal policy and product courses which are not difficult to develop in captivate.

Whilst I have developed 5 of these courses, potential for even service-based organisations to develop its own eLearning content rather than purchased generic content has exponential benefits.

1 Comment
2020-06-26 12:30:30
2020-06-26 12:30:30

Personally, I use both Captivate and Camtasia together.

These are my two flagship tools I use for creation of learning objects.

I use Camtasia when I want to focus on video or when video is the end product
I will often embed my Camtasia products into Captivate.

I use Captivate when I want to focus on interaction and, of course, any final deliverables for eLearning.

I love PowerPoint, too, and it has its place but it is certainly not in my list of preferred video creation applications.

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