I want to create my own set of layouts in my master pages but cannot use percentages. If I create a blank project that is 1920 x 1080 and add a content slide that I apply the Content01 master page to it has an image placeholder that is 1918 x 407. If I create another blank project that is 1367 x 1011 (so completely custom, not a size that is going to have a default layout size) create a content slide and apply the Content01 master page, that same image placeholder is there. It is 1365 x 381 so it has scaled based on the size of my project.
How do I do that? If I start a theme, it wants to know what the size is. When I go to add placeholders, will only allow me to create placeholders with an absolute, not relative, size and location. How do I create my own version of Content01 that will scale based on what size I choose to create my project?
I understood your question very well, but tried to explain that you cannot use the Position Properties for a non-responsive project at all. My approach is to create a theme for the most common used browser resolution and publish as Scalable HTML5? That way it can adapt to any browser resolution. You could look at my blog, I always offer a link to a published example and also embed it at a fixed resolution. Problem is that bitmap images may be blurry on higher browser resolutions. If you create a theme for a very high browser resolution, you also end up with a much bigger file size. It is a ‘compromise’ to find a midway.
BTW your last sentence about Responsive projects: you can create a custom resolution which is higher than 1280 px. Have a look at this attached screenshot. I have a HDRes, and set the Rulers to px instead of % to convince you:
Thank you, Lieve, but that is not what I am asking about. I am aware of creating a responsive project and using percentages there. I am pointing out that if I create a a blank project, not responsive, the master page layouts scale based on the size of my blank project. I want to create my own set of master page layouts and embed them into Captivate to use and have them scale to whichever blank (non-responsive) project size I enter.
In addition, responsive projects appear to be useless in a desktop environment as they only go up to 1280 wide. My environment supports 1920 pixels wide and the systems in that environment run at around 1650 pixels so a screen capture is far too large for that little 1280 width.
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