Is there a way to autoformat text from TEB user entries? For example: user types 5000 in a TEB. Is there a way to auto format that entry so that the text can appear as $5,000.00? I’m aware that I can restrict max # of characters, numbers only, etc. but I haven’t found a way to do what I’ve just described. I’m thinking it will require some JS coding but I’m hoping it won’t because JS coding expert I am not.
Formatting numbers which are stored as value in a variable is a weak point in Captivate. You are correct, this needs Javascript. That would allow you to ‘style’ the number stored in the variable. However, the edited version will not immediately appear in the TEB as value… another weak point. You can make the edited variable visible in a text container, not so easy in the TEB field.
A wonderful widget which solves a lot of those weak points, developed by InfoSemantics (Australia) is CpExtra. Not for free, but worthwhile to test it, they have a trial version.
Your advice, as always, is appreciated. Thank you for your comment. I’ve actually watched a demo on Rod’s CpExtra widget. I believe you are right that it would solve the issue at hand. Unfortunately, my employer’s IT department probably won’t approve installing even a trial version of CpExtra. Alas, I’m left to my own devices on this issue it seems.
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