July 16, 2020
Help! When I Video Demo, my mouse cursor does not show!
July 16, 2020
Help! When I Video Demo, my mouse cursor does not show!
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

When I create a Video Demo, I can see my mouse cursor the entire time.  However, when I play the video back, the cursor is gone.  You only knowing I am clicking on things because they either light up or open a box.  This has happened before and a simple update fixed it but I currently have the most up to date version of Captivate (per Captivate) so I don’t think that will be a fix this time. Any ideas on how to get my cursor back?

2021-11-30 05:39:10
2021-11-30 05:39:10

Excellent Paul, as usual. Thank you.

2020-07-18 02:05:47
2020-07-18 02:05:47

When you start recording a new Video Demo you will see a button marked ‘Settings…’ at the bottom of the window. Clicking that button will take you to the Preferences window in the Recording Category with the Video Demo sub-category selected. You will see an option for ‘Show Mouse in Video Demo Mode.’ Make sure that option is selected.

If you have recorded your Video Demo without the mouse, you might be able to restore it. Click on the Edit dropdown menu and select Edit Mouse Points. You will then see icons on your timeline that represent each mouse click in your Video Demo. Click one of the mouse icons and select Show Mouse in your Properties Inspector. I usually take this opportunity to select Smoothen Mouse Path for a less jerky mouse movement. You can also select other options such as Double Mouse Size to make it easier for your learners to see the mouse and follow along. Once you have restored the mouse and made any other refinements you can click the small four-line hamburger menu icon in the upper corner of the Properties Inspector and then select Apply To All Items of This Type to change all the mouse items in your video demo.



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