July 8, 2020
Is it possible to place a custom play bar on a master slide and toggle the image used by a button?
July 8, 2020
Is it possible to place a custom play bar on a master slide and toggle the image used by a button?
Newbie 5 posts
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I have been creating a custom playbar and want to place it on a master slide for consistency and ease of maintenance in a responsive project. Some of the buttons need to toggle their image according to state e.g. play/pause. However I cannot add a custom state to a button (I am using SVG images) on a master slide and cannot see a way via an advanced action to switch the image used. Is there are workaround for this?

2021-11-30 05:48:28
2021-11-30 05:48:28

You will need an add-on

's comment
2021-11-30 12:30:47
2021-11-30 12:30:47
's comment

Thanks. I did with CPExtra and JS 🙂

2020-07-20 03:50:02
2020-07-20 03:50:02

It can be done if you have cpExtra.  Watch this video and see if he is creating the interactivity on the master slide that you are looking for.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuYcefTrVJ4

2020-07-11 09:04:27
2020-07-11 09:04:27

Thought I already answered this question somewhere else?  The problem with items on master slides is that they do not have an ID. To be able to switch a state with any action you need an ID. It is also the reason why you cannot add custom states to buttons on master slides, since you would never be able to use those states.

My proposal in the other thread was to switch to putting at least part of the buttons on the first slide and time them for the rest of the project. That will give them a unique ID and you can manipulate them using On Enter actions of slides or other event actions.  You have to keep in mind that the so important option ‘Retain state when ….’  for resetting (I will publish a blog ASAP again about resetting slides) will not work since you use always the same object. If you want another state you always will have to switch manually.

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