July 23, 2020
Responsive Projects Publish without JSON File
I’ve been working with my webdesign team to embed a captivate file into our WordPress and I started with a regular, non-responsive file, which embedded fine. Then we couldn’t get a responsive file to work, which I tried starting from scratch and just converting the one that worked into a responsive project. They eventually figured out that the responsive files folders did not include the JSON file. We copied and pasted it from the original file that worked and it embedded succesfully.
Is there some setting or button I need to be clicking when I publish a responsive project to HTML5 to get the JSON file to be included?
2021-11-30 05:35:12
Did you find a workaround?
2020-10-13 15:03:59
No magic button, you’ll have to move it manually for now.
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