August 12, 2020
Apostrophes/Quotation Marks in CCs for a Captivate SCO
August 12, 2020
Apostrophes/Quotation Marks in CCs for a Captivate SCO
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Has anyone come across the problem where the quotation marks and apostrophes appear as question marks in the closed captions of a Captivate course when it is published using SCORM 1.2 and uploaded to a Learning Management System. These are closed captions I manually typed so they shouldn’t have any extra formatting information included. I’ve tried various fonts such as Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman but the same problem occurs. The LMS I am using is Appinium (for Salesforce).

2021-11-30 05:17:24
2021-11-30 05:17:24

Was adobe staff able to help?

2020-10-13 14:31:55
2020-10-13 14:31:55

Appinium could be adding the characters via a bad parsing process – but if you reach out to us at our engineers might find something else awry – my first guess is that the LMS is adding some rogue characters based on a parsing error.

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