August 10, 2020
¿Como puedo integrar Adobe Captivate con un LMS?
August 10, 2020
¿Como puedo integrar Adobe Captivate con un LMS?

Quiero integrar un proyecto de adobe captivate en un lms. ¿cual me recomiendan? que sea ergonomico.

2021-11-30 05:19:48
2021-11-30 05:19:48

Did you end up going with Prime?

2020-08-12 08:00:49
2020-08-12 08:00:49

Cannot answer in your language although I understood the question easily.

You can use any LMS, you just have to know which protocol is supported (SCORM) and what is your budget. Captivate allows to publish a SCO, which is needed to upload to the LMS and has all the necessary files on board in a zipped folder.

What is the best choice? I tend to say Adobe Captivate Prime, for multiple reasons. But it may be beyond your budget.  You can try Moodle?

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