August 3, 2020
Converting CP 9 Breakpoint Courses to CP 2019 Responsive Design
August 3, 2020
Converting CP 9 Breakpoint Courses to CP 2019 Responsive Design
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people


I am trying to convert Captivate 9 courses developed with the tablet breakpoint to Captivate 2019 Responsive Design.  However, there is no option to “Save as Responsive Design” when the course was developed as CP 9 with breakpoints.

Here is what I have researched / tried thus far:

I have tried to remove breakpoints by going to the master slide.  I was able to remove the tablet breakpoint at one time  (which is the lowest level the courses were developed to) but there were still 3 breakpoints showing – desktop, tablet portrait and mobile portrait.  Courses were only developed for tablet breakpoint.  Once I removed that tablet breakpoint I was not able to remove additional breakpoints.

Is it even possible to convert Captive 9 breakpoint courses to responsive design in Captivate 2019 or are you literally pretty much starting from scratch carrying over objects into a blank responsive design course?  We have a ton of these courses that we’d like to look into converting.


2021-11-30 05:25:37
2021-11-30 05:25:37

Did you see this through to the end? Updates!!

2020-08-04 10:43:02
2020-08-04 10:43:02

Did you try to open in CP2019? It is hidden, but the recent version still supports Breakpoint views although Fluid Boxes workflow is the default when you start a new responsive project. I cannot test for you, don’t have CP9 anymore.

The workflow to convert to a responsive project is for non-responsive projects but pretty useless if you don’t have the most simple project.

Bit old but may help:

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