August 24, 2020
Lottie export JSON possible in any Adobe tool
August 24, 2020
Lottie export JSON possible in any Adobe tool
An ed-tech entrepreneur and a passionate Product Design Manager with experience in consumer products industry.
Newbie 5 posts
Followers: 1 people

Hi, I work on Lottie files a lot these days and edit + export JSON directly to my CMS.

Is there any Adobe tool that can be a substitute to Lottie as thats a web editor and provides little functionality towards the asset customization?

2021-11-30 04:57:36
2021-11-30 04:57:36

How did you break through on this issue?

2020-08-29 08:14:37
2020-08-29 08:14:37

Since no one seems to offer you an answer, I have been looking up ‘Lottie’. It seems to be an animation tool, correct me if I am wrong because that seems the only ‘fitting’ result when using a search engine.

You posted this in the eLearning community and I am aware that you use Captivate. You can import OAM and Animated GIFs in Captivate. It has no sense anymore to talk about SWFs at this moment. Animated GIFs can be created with multiple Adobe tools: Photoshop, After Effect, Animate. The last app Animate is also perfect to create OAMs (HTML animations).

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