August 17, 2020
Mac Users trying to install Adobe Captivate 9 trial encountering 2 errors – “”Captivate_2019_Ls21.dmg” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.” and “Invalid checksum”
August 17, 2020
Mac Users trying to install Adobe Captivate 9 trial encountering 2 errors – “”Captivate_2019_Ls21.dmg” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.” and “Invalid checksum”
Sales Training Manager with 7 years in Institutional Sales and 5 years in Training and Sales Excellence
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 2 people


I had been trying to install the dmg file of Adobe Captivate 9 Trial downloaded from Adobe site onto my Macbook.

The first error was:

“Captivate_2019_Ls21.dmg” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.

I browsed the internet and came across a solution as described in steps 1 through 3 below.However, I again encountered another error:

Invalid checksum

To rectify the checksum error, I had to fish for another solution. I’m no Computer expert, but I followed steps 1 through 8 and got the Trial version of Adobe Captivate 9 installed successfully. You can follow these steps for easier installation if you encounter these errors.

All the Best to you!

  1. Open the Terminal (available from Launchpad (search in Launchpad))
  2. type the following command:
    • sudo spctl —master-disable     – this common has a space and two hyphens after spctl
  3. Type password 
  4. type the following command:
    • defaults write skip-verify -bool YES
  5. After installation is complete undo the above steps for your Mac’s safety by:
  6. Type sudo spctl —master-enable
  7. type the password
  8. You can re-enable this feature, using the below command:
    • defaults write skip-verify -bool NO
1 Comment
2021-11-30 05:10:49
2021-11-30 05:10:49

Thanks for the tip!

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