August 20, 2020
ppts with logo which remain the same and parts of it can be edited
August 20, 2020
ppts with logo which remain the same and parts of it can be edited
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi there,

I am trying to input a PPT as an template and save it as a Library file and for future projects i want to be able to edit this PPT file with different words but the designs and the logos should remain the same

can anyone help me with this feature.

THis is similar to the libzip files in the camstasia9

any suggestions regarding this would be helpful

2021-11-30 05:01:57
2021-11-30 05:01:57

Such detail, thank you Lieve

2020-08-28 16:22:55
2020-08-28 16:22:55

Thanks for the help. i would definitely use it for my future customers and deliver them PPT with logo and selected template. Every time and for every client i have to do it from scratch but now i can save it in library for future use.


Emma Lopez


's comment
2020-08-31 12:52:13
2020-08-31 12:52:13
's comment

My bad… you are not talking about Captivate at all! Just about PPT?

2020-08-24 08:39:26
2020-08-24 08:39:26

In the most recent version 11.5, you have some changes in Themes, here is a supplementary blog:

2020-08-24 08:38:17
2020-08-24 08:38:17

Normally I don’t answer questions about PPT.

Since you want to be reusing the design, PLEASE do not use an imported PPT for that goal. Recreate a theme in Captivate, because it is a theme which you need, not a template (cptl files are not to be trusted, and unnecessary). You can read about the differences in:

Unzip the PPT file, extract all the assets and import them in the Library of a blank Captivate project. You seem to misunderstand the functionality of Captivate’s Library (you can search in my blog for a full description). Create your custom theme based using your PPT as an example. A theme includes:

  • Theme fonts
  • Theme color palette
  • All object styles
  • Master slides
  • Skin setup
  • eventually if appropriate Recording Defaults

If you combine a theme with one or more external libraries (including assets and Shared Actions) you’ll have a solid start for your future projects.

Reason why I don’t like the import PPT is that you will be crippled for the future: all slides will have been converted to movie slides, without control over the individual objects, without the possibility to switch to responsive project in a manageable way.

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