What is eLearning? Adobe Captivate is useful for a teacher?
I´m a teacher who is trying to innovate in her classes. I´m new with the concept of eLearning and I would like to know what it is and how can I use Adobe Captivate to make a better class for my student. My country is still in quarantine so I´m learning more about how to improve classes online.
Do not limit to viewing passive videos, please check some of the sample projects, read blogs, go to webinars etc.
You didn’t tell the level you are teaching at. Gamification elements make course more engaging for most students. Be careful with quizzes: it is a real art to create MCQs. You’ll find a lot of blogs about Quizzing and custom quizzing in the portal here and on my personal blog.
This is an example of a ‘game’ which is good at training focus and logical mindsets, not a simple quiz:
Watch the decreasing score if the attempts increase.
You’ll find some maths games for sure… Try to find a way to let the kids collaborate by social media, they are in need of contact more than older learners. Give them a ‘competition’, challenges. Think about short courses which can be played on their phone?
In my previous career I was professor at a university college. My search for innovative methods to make learning more efficient has led me – about 15 years ago – to the discovery of Captivate and have used it since that moment almost daily.
Of course at that moment we didn’t have lockdown. Primary goal for me was to offer my students interactive courses, which could be used both as follow-up on live classes, or as preparation for flipped classes. One example, for a class about MS Project, a software application for project management. When students were following my live class, they felt comfortable: they were able to reproduce what I had demonstrated, and when they were stuck their peers or myself were around to help. But since they were convinced after the class that they had understood everything very well, they didn’t think about it until the next class. Result: most was forgotten… So I decided to give them interactive eLearning tutorials, which they had to ‘do’ before the class. Time in class was meant to solve remaining problems and for work on projects. Advantage: each student can work as slow or as quick as he/she wants, skip theory and go directly to an assessment. Supplementary advantage: they did discuss a lot more about the class.
Let me know how I can help.
Thank you for your answer. I watched some tutorial videos to know more about all the functions of Captivate. I think that with this program I will be able to create activities to reinforce the student´s knowledge in an interactive way. I may make more questions in the future so I´m glad that the community is really helpful with the ones that are new with this.
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