I am looking for a way to come back to a slide with sound without having to listen to this sound a 2nd time.
Another option would be to come back to a previous slide at the middle of the timeline.
Is there a way to do that?
Thanks to all
Link to the shared action blog:
You can find a ready to use shared action for this use case here:
That is the explanation of the setup. Will post the link to the article with the shared action in a separate comment. It can also be used to force the first view of a slide.
I would use conditional advanced actions in addition to a custom variable to determine whether or not a sound should be played.
- Create a custom variable called play_sound and set the default value to 0.
- On slide enter, or on button activation, create a conditional advanced action.
- Have it check if the variable is equal to 0, then if it is, set it to 1 and play the sound.
- The second condition would check if the variable is set to 1 and if it is, skip the sound and perform any other actions. (Continue).
This is a rough outline of how i’d handle it.
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