Need to create an interactive video wherein the selected character moves as the recorded audio progresses
I am very new to Captivate. Need to create an interactive video wherein the selected character moves as the recorded audio progresses. After adding audio recording and selecting the character, what are the next steps.
Thank you in advance for the help!
I am a bit confused: you probably are not really talking about an interactive video, but about a normal interactive project (cptx)?
Are you talking about one of the characters inserted with the media button, or from the Assets library (if you are on version 11.5)? You can apply motion effects to the character, using the right-click menu, Effects or from the Timing Properties panel. You probably will want one of the custom motion effects: either CustomCurves or CustomLine. The duration of the effect, easing in/out can be edited in the Timing properties or by using the mouse on the Effect timeline. If you use those custom motion effects, you will see points on the motion path. If those points are close to each other, the movement is quicker then when you have more distance. Synchronizing with the audio will be an interesting process, which you can do by using Play audio or the Play button on the Timeline. Clicking the Pause on the Timeline will block the play head at that frame (time) of the timeline, so that you can see if you need to edit the motion path points or not.
Have you tried using animation within adobe captivate? If your character is an image then you can animate that image and use the timeline to plot out your animations?
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