October 20, 2020
Make Your Own Captivate Shapes
October 20, 2020
Make Your Own Captivate Shapes
I've been an eLearning designer and developer since 2005. In 2015 I started my own eLearning design company. I began creating Adobe Captivate video tutorials to help promote my business through my YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/captivateteacher. My intention with my YouTube videos was to attract attention from organizations looking for a skilled Captivate developer. This strategy proved successful as I've worked with clients worldwide, helping them build highly engaging eLearning solutions. In addition, my YouTube channel presented another benefit of attracting aspiring Captivate developers to seek me out as a teacher. I now offer online and onsite training on Adobe Captivate, teaching users the skills to build engaging and interactive learning.
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Followers: 984 people

2020-10-20 19:10:18
2020-10-20 19:10:18

  This was so useful.  I didn’t know that could be done.   Thanks so much for sharing.  I think I go and create my own shapes to use later!

's comment
2020-10-20 19:31:45
2020-10-20 19:31:45
's comment

It’s really good when you want to build custom interactions where you need a button that is something other than just a rectangle or oval.

's comment
2021-03-17 01:12:43
2021-03-17 01:12:43
's comment

Interesting feature that I have not selected before. Could come in handy in a few places. Thanks.

2020-10-20 16:28:27
2020-10-20 16:28:27

Hello Paul !…

Thanks once again !…

Even if I’ve used already this… And what I found amazing about this, is that the sensible (click-able) area is the same as the shape and not the usual rectangle one…

In this example (I choose the Canadian one… Don’t know why ? Hi hi !… ) you can click between the legs of the animals… Nothing happen !…


Happy Captivating !…


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