Next Release of Captivate – replacing version 2019 before Dec 31, 2020 Flash Deadline?
1. Will Adobe be releasing the next version of Captivate to replace 2019 before Dec 31 2020 (when Flash is officially shutdown)?
2. If so, when will the release happen? We’re running out of time.
3. Will the new version of Captivate run on Windows 7?
You probably got already several answers in the Adobe forum for the same question.
EXE format is using a SWF player. I am just a user, but in my opinion there is very little chance that an equivalent can be found for HTML5 output. That new output is like a website, you rarely are able to compress a website in one standalone file. For small projects you could use the possibility to publish to an app (with PhoneGap) to be used on a smartphone. It is also possible to create a CD which has an inbuilt webserver. But the easiest way to provide access to your HTML5 output is to upload to a webserver and provide the URL to your learners.
If the concern is being able to play old SWF files – have you taken a look at this thread?
I have used this program in the past to view old SWF projects. Perhaps it will have some value for you as well.
As dr. Pooja points out, there is no problem whatsoever with the EOL of the Flash Player for the end of this year. Captivate is capable of publishing to HTML5 since several years and versions. You just have to avoid to publish to SWF or both to SWF and HTML5. Personally I have not published to SWF since the EOL of the Flash player was announced (more than 3 years ago).
If you need to keep legacy courses without republishing to HTML5 you need to warn the users not to upgrade their browser, to keep with an old version. That can be a temporary solution if you have no time to republish all existing courses.
Summary: problem is not with Captivate which is fully prepared and ready, but with courses which have been published in the past to SWF.
The present version 11.5 runs perfectly on Windows 7, I have an old desktop with that OS. Since I am just a user, I don’t know if that will be the case for a future version.
You can safely use Captivate 2019 to create HTML5 eLearning courses even after the Dec 31, 2020 Flash Deadline. The default publish option for Captivate 2019 is HTML5 so you will not face any issues creating non-Flash content.
Also, we released an update for Captivate 2019 with some bug fixes a few days back. You can see the details here:
Feel free to reach out for any further questions.
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