November 17, 2020
Easy way to hide submit button from appearing until a learner listen to audio in Adobe Captivate Quiz slide
November 17, 2020
Easy way to hide submit button from appearing until a learner listen to audio in Adobe Captivate Quiz slide
Legend 84 posts
Followers: 63 people
2020-11-17 19:45:31
2020-11-17 19:45:31

I want to show the audio messing in project. First part will be the audio mess and second part only will show the invisible “Submit Button”.

2020-11-17 08:57:23
2020-11-17 08:57:23

Audio is messed up in that video… what happens? Multiple audio playing at the same time.

The Submit button remains active even though you have made it to look ‘invisible’. I have published scenarios for this type of tweaking in this portal years ago.  Your solution is only one of the possibilities mentioned in this post. Also lacking: the difficulties you can have with this solution if it is a responsive project with Fluid Boxes. Here is the original blog:



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