November 14, 2020
Problem when I close a course from slide with variable so that when I reopen the course it is from that slide
November 14, 2020
Problem when I close a course from slide with variable so that when I reopen the course it is from that slide

Hello everyone, let’s see if anyone can give me light on a problem I have when I close a course made with Captivate and I open it again in the LMS.
Normally the course opens from the slide from which I closed it. But I am having problems with slides that have variables (that have been fulfilled). For example if I divide the course in 4 chapters and to the last slide of chapter 1 I assign the variable “vistocap1” = 1.
If I close the course from that slide, when I open it again, it opens from the next one, not from the one I closed it.

Does anybody know to what it can be due? I suspect that it has to do with the variable but I don’t understand why it happens…

A greeting!

2021-11-30 03:37:47
2021-11-30 03:37:47

thanks Lieve

2020-11-14 14:17:01
2020-11-14 14:17:01

OK, that explains indeed. You need to know that once a question is submitted either with success or as a last attempt, the answer is blocked. To avoid the learner to be blocked on such a slide when retaking a new session, the bookmarking will send them to the next slide. Now I understand the situation.  I am not a native English speaker neither, sometimes need translation as well if it is a language I cannot understand right away. Dutch, French, German, bit of Italian, Spanish, Russian is not a problem for me.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-11-15 11:25:35
2020-11-15 11:25:35
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

¡Qué suerte que hablas tantos idiomas!

Te escribiré en español entonces, un saludo!

2020-11-14 13:08:31
2020-11-14 13:08:31

Values of user variables are not ‘remembered’ when you close a course, all variables are reset. Only system variables which are linked to bookmarking will be kept. There must be another reason, maybe the explanation is not clear to me. It seems logical that bookmarking gets you to the next slide, since you visited the slide from which you left.  Can you explain more?

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-11-14 13:53:20
2020-11-14 13:53:20
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Hi Lieve,
It seems that I have already solved it.
I needed that once I uploaded the course in the LMS, if a student closed the course in the slide 20/50, when I reopened the course I would take him to that slide 20. This is what usually does Captivate if everything goes well.
I was having problems with 4 slides that when I left the course from them and reopened it led me to the next one, and apparently the problem was that they had a button assessed that added 2 points in each of the slides. So by wearing those buttons, Captivate has taken those slides as part of a test. What I didn’t know is that once you answer a Captivate question, if you close the course from that slide and open it again, it jumps to the next slide.

Sorry about my English, I use a translator and I might write some strange expressions!

Thanks again for always trying to help


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