I have accidentally deleted the results slide from my project. How do I bring it back?
Thanks Lieve and all the other commenters
Thanks all.
It doesn’t record any results at the end. I just get a blank results slide with no scores.
Are questions marked to be included in score? Can you upload images of filmstrip and example assessment question with property tabs?
Lastly, is the software up to date?
Sorry but Question slides are by default always included in the total score. In much older versions deactivating the reporting was used to mimick Knowledge Check slides, but that is no longer necessary since real Knowledge Check slides are now included since several versions.
My suspicion is that no real Quiz slides were added, but those Knowledge Check slides due to a terminology confusion. Those KC slides are never included in the total score, same for Pretest slides. To see the difference between Knowledge Check slides and normal Quiz slide, explore this blog:
It explains what is common to both types of slides and what is different. I will post another comment to be able to insert a second link without moderation waiting time.
Whenever you create a scored course, whether with normal quiz slides or/and with custom slides using scored interactive objects, a very unknown panel ‘Advanced Interaction’ (F9) should be checked in order to see if the expected total score is correct. Since no one seems to include that panel in any book or training, I have written out a blog exploring functionality of this panel (also under Project menu) which personally I include in a dedicated workspace for Quizzing:
This panel is also very useful when exploring Ready-to-go slides in the Quick Start Projects. I demonstrated this in the presentation at the eLearning World conference in June 2020.
It is impossible to delete the Results slide if you ever added it, even when you don’t have any quiz slide nor scored object anymore. It is also impossible to delete the Results Master slide. Look in the Filmstrip, you may have a Hidden Score slide. Use the right click menu on the Score slide and use the option ‘Show Slide’. The warning should have appeared when you tried to delete the score slide.
Even a hidden score slide still has its functionality. Only in very old versions was it possible to delete a score slide (version 5,5.5). Have a look at this blog:
That explains why you cannot delete a score slide.
As Michael said, the score slide can’t be deleted, just hidden. You can make it visible again by going to your Quiz Preferences > Settings > select “Show Score at the End of the Quiz”
All else fails, save your file WITH A DIFFERENT NAME. And reopen the previous file that was saved prior to the deletion. See if you can copy and paste the slides from one project to another so that you have your score slide.
Interesting. I just tried deleting the results slide, and in 11.5.5, It won’t let me. Deleting the slide hides it in the filmstrip. Are you using the most current version?
Are you sure the slide isn’t in the filmstrip but just hidden?