November 19, 2020
Software simulation don’t snap to application window. Sound cuts off in the beginning
November 19, 2020
Software simulation don’t snap to application window. Sound cuts off in the beginning
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I’ve got a new computer and when trying to create a software simulation in Adobe Captivate 2017 I cannot make Captivate snap to the window I have selected in the correct size, the red rectangular is way to big and snaps outside the application/window. This is really annoying since I have a deadline to meet tomorrow…

Also I have had for many years now that the sound that I add keep being cut off at the beginning of a sentence even though I add ‘silence’ at the beginning. This drives me crazy, why can’t Adobe just fix this???


2021-11-30 03:30:51
2021-11-30 03:30:51

did you find the error?

2020-11-25 14:02:54
2020-11-25 14:02:54

If you have a retina screen and try to capture a software simulation or a Video Demo, you should have seen this warning (see screenshot attached).

That file is in the installation folder, needs to be edited in a non-formatting editor like Notepad (for Windows).

Since you didn’t see that warning, check the Display resolution of your monitor and make sure it is set to 100%.



2020-11-22 16:34:41
2020-11-22 16:34:41

Another possibility is that you are attempting to perform your software capture on a secondary monitor. Software simulation works best when done on your primary monitor.

2020-11-19 22:30:07
2020-11-19 22:30:07

Did you edit the AdobeCaptivate.ini file as instructed, if you have a retina screen. You need to show 1px/px to do capturing. If this is a windows machine, be sure to have display resolution set at 100%.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-11-25 13:49:59
2020-11-25 13:49:59
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Hi LIeve,

I am not sure what you mean with the .ini file, this is something that I haven’t done. How do I do this?

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