December 27, 2020
360VR Interactive Office
December 27, 2020
360VR Interactive Office

I have many years of experience in learning development and delivery of CRM systems, in particular blended learning solutions that involve creation of eLearning using software such as Captivate and Articulate. I have recently completed contracts at Commonwealth Bank creating a blended learning package and also prior to that NBN Co and the Department of Family and Community Services developing and delivering CRM training to internal staff and Lead Agencies, I am now keen to start a new challenge.

Followers: 0 people

I have many years of experience in learning development and delivery of CRM systems, in particular blended learning solutions that involve creation of eLearning using software such as Captivate and Articulate. I have recently completed contracts at Commonwealth Bank creating a blended learning package and also prior to that NBN Co and the Department of Family and Community Services developing and delivering CRM training to internal staff and Lead Agencies, I am now keen to start a new challenge.

Followers: 0 people
I have many years of experience in learning development and delivery of CRM systems, in particular blended learning solutions that involve creation of eLearning using software such as Captivate and Articulate. I have recently completed contracts at Commonwealth Bank creating a blended learning package and also prior to that NBN Co and the Department of Family and Community Services developing and delivering CRM training to internal staff and Lead Agencies, I am now keen to start a new challenge.
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2021-12-07 21:56:52
would love to see what more you develop!
2021-12-07 21:56:37
i love how you layered in VR into it
2021-12-07 21:56:20
this was a great module!
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