Hi all.
I’ve been playing around with the software, trying out some things recommended by a few of you who always seem to share information with me, and I have not been able to determine a way to do what I would like to do. But as I have learned from reading posts on this community, just because I can’t figure something out, or it is not easy to determine, it doesn’t mean someone else hasn’t figured it out.
The question of the minute is, and I may not describe this perfectly, so my apologies, can I add a click button to a the rollover or click state – so the 2nd or 3rd change of an object?
Hoping that is clear enough. I haven’t really figured out what I want to do design wise, but I am thinking of displaying content, changing the state and then branching out to topic area.
Any assistance you can provide would be fantastic.
Thanks again in advance.
Ok. First, let me say thank you. I appreciate the comments and suggestions based on my vague and generic question.
Second. Man, I have a lot to learn with this software. But I’m working on it.
Third, I am very sorry for being so vague and confusing. I was not intending to be, but from reading the comments you have all posted, I can very easily see that I was.
I can try to be more specific as I have not fully decided what I plan to do, but I have worked through the flip card project I asked about and that both Lieve and Paul have commented and provided direction on. I will use Pauls example for that project.
If I create 3 flip cards and have them change from one side to the other in a simple state – the second being when I click on the card, is there a way to include a button on the second side of the card that takes me to more information on the topic of that card?
From your comments, it is perhaps not possible without potentially more involved javascript, or advanced actions that I have not gotten to yet. And that is perfectly ok. I am enquiring for my own learning here.
As always, I greatly appreciate the information, Paul, that video is great and definitely something else I have had in my mind to try out, so thank you. Perhaps I should subscribe to your channel. Make it easy on myself.
Have a great one folks. I greatly enjoy these conversations.
Unfortunately, you cannot add an interactive object (button) within that alternative state, but you can add a show command that shows another hidden shape button. Once revealed, your learner can click on that button, and it can perform a variety of different actions. It may also show other hidden objects or take you to another slide within the course. If you need your button to perform two or more actions, it would require an advanced action, but I don’t see the need for JavaScript unless you want to go down that road.
As I have already explained, it is possible to have a hyperlink pop up on a custom state, not on an InBuilt state. That hyperlink needs to be in the Normal state but can be made invisible.
However it looks like my solutions are somehow over your head. Will not post a link to an example of that solution. Advantage is always that you don’t have to Hide what you show extra when changing a state.
I’m not saying YOUR solutions are over my head, I am looking at all options to try things out.
My initial response was not directed towards one person or another. It was based on all responses saying I was being too vague and that I am not being understood. So I tried to respond with my intent.
I am not here to offend anyone. I am here to learn. I appreciate all comments and suggestions. I will try out the things that I can figure out. If I can’t I ask questions. I haven’t had time to try out any of these suggestions.
I will say that javascript is above my abilities. Doesn’t mean I can’t learn it, it just means I haven’t yet. I do not believe from what I read that you are suggesting js, but I just wanted to say that just in case.
Thanks – if I have questions, I am sure I will post as I have in the past.
Focus in my blog is on Advanced/Shared actions over JavaScript (which I use myself as well, but leave those solutions to JS only experts). Those point-and-click solutions are better suited for many Captivate developers, but not all will agree.
My problem, which you didn’t detect, is that I try to look beyond the question because I preview some further extensions. That is the reason that my solutions may seem more complicated but at the end prove to save you time. Just a couple of examples:
- Flip card: you choose a simple solution. Then I did see an extra question appearing which was part of my solution: how to get back to the original state by having a button… That was included in my Toggle Flipcard solution.
- Adding a button to a state. I was confused because it seemed to be about an InBuilt state – which is triggered by a situation, not a custom state triggered by an action. You got solutions which presumed it was a custom state, triggered by an action. In both situations there is a problem: for InBuilt states you need to create events because Captivate has no rollout event. That is the only location where I talked about JS or the CpExtra widget. For custom states, I added the comment that when you show an extra item (button) you need to hide it as well with another action. That makes it a lot more complicated, compared with my proposal of a hyperlink which is IN the state and automatically disappears when state changes.
- A big problem is often when I have alternative solutions in mind, but the OP keeps stubbornly to a first idea, which is human – no criticism. Thinking out of the box is adventurous but not always wanted. Trying to follow that initial idea of the OP often leads to very complicated solutions. Maybe I will learn to avoid such a situation one day 🙂
Ok Lieve.
Thank you for your comments and your contribution to the discussion.
I am simply going to say that I appreciate the knowledge that everyone has shared with me. I think I have been respectful and friendly, courteous and open to learn from others in my interactions on this forum. I have learned a lot so far, and I will continue to interact, review options, research further, and try things out to choose what is the right way forward for me and my projects.
I will also continue to share my opinion and thoughts on subjects that I feel I have something to add to. I also appreciate discussion and debate, and the different viewpoints from others. So I will contribute to this, respectfully as I continue on this path of learning.
Thanks all.
You may have misunderstood my honesty. You are very friendly, and I was not criticizing your attitude at all. It was only about trying to explain that what seems the ‘simplest’ solution may at the end become more complicated and time consuming. My bad is that I not always explain exactly why I ‘previewed’ possibility of extensions of the first formulated question. Lot of the solutions proposed in my blogs – which seem often too long – are not ‘first’ solutions, but are results of evolving solutions in my own projects due to better insight and based on searching for time savings.
One more example: the reason I am defending Shared actions, which is very rare when you search in all public provided tutorials, is because I have realized how much time those ‘unknown’ actions do save me. This realization took several years of exploring and research.
No problem at all. I just wanted to state that I am not shorting my learning, that I want to find ways that work for me to start with. Eventually, I will become more proficient and capable with my skills. I’m working on it.
I am hoping to be able to share something early in the new year, if not before then. Work and family are busy right now, so I try to find the time to play around with different things.
I expect there will be some feedback and suggestions, and that is great. I need that to learn. Looking forward to sharing some work with everyone here.
Thanks again all.
Like the others, I’m not sure I completely understand what you’re asking for but one idea to consider is how a forced-navigation click-to-reveal might display a next button only after the viewer has clicked on all the other buttons or cycled through all the states of a content carousel. Watch this video and see if it gives you any ideas for building your solution (yours doesn’t need to be responsive design). Again this is not exactly what I think you are asking but might give you an idea as to how you can keep track of what’s been clicked and therefore when to reveal other objects.
Another option would be to run a check for which state is currently being displayed and then show your button when that particular state is on screen.
This is a JavaScript solution but the code would be pretty minimal and sounds like it might do what you’re thinking.
Let me know if you’re interested in more details.
Did you understand whether OP is talking about custom states or InBuilt states? Adding events is of course a possibility, I would use CpExtra in that case, but the result is always JS. If a state is shown with an action on an available event in Captivate showing that button would be possible with that action as well. Problem is that you also will need a Hide action with the Rollout event if OP talks indeed over an InBuilt state Rollover.
I understood simply that as various states of an object are displayed that one of those states includes a button you can click on.
I got the impression that someone would be clicking through the various states.
If that is the case – it seemed we could tweak that success action to check for the needed state and show a button that was hidden on publish.
Sorry if you see this twice, because I have already commented but it seems not to be accepted.
I did re-read the question and still stuck on: “can I add a click button to a the rollover or click state – so the 2nd or 3rd change of an object?”. That is the reason why I asked about the type of states because it seems to be about an Inbuilt state (Rollover, Down) which appears in a situation and not by button to be clicked.
I don’t understand your question completely, so please expand. Here are some short comments which may be a start.
You cannot add an interactive object to a state in a multistate object. However I have succeeded to have a working hyperlink appearing in a state (although it is present only in the Normal state). Somewhere in a couple of my blogs.
InBuilt states (Rollover, Down, Visited) are different and have more limitations than Custom states. You may already have gotten a link to my blogs about states.
It is because of this sentence: “can I add a click button to a rollover or click state – so the 2nd or 3rd change of an object?” that I asked for more clarification about the type of state the OP meant to use. Terminology can be so difficult, we need a good and detailed Glossary.
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