Greetings to everyone!
In the coming days, I plan to start learning about Adobe Captivate, so I wanted to ask you to recommend me some free courses on this topic. I have already found some useful learning resources myself, but I would like to have more resources.
Thank you !
Hi Maleksandra,
For starters, you could go through the short Captivate tutorials on this site to get an overview of the features. You could also explore the recorded Getting Started webinars and register for the upcoming webinars on Captivate. The trick to learn Captivate quickly is to practice by building projects. You can always clear your doubts in the community if you get stuck somewhere. I also find Paul Wilson’s YouTube channel quite helpful. You could also download the source files of some free projects that you like, try to understand the workflows and ask questions in the comments section to interact with the designers.
LinkedIn Learning has some courses. If you can get a trial membership you can complete courses like the following during your trial.
For sure have a look at this blog post, which is not a ‘resource’ but warning about the stumbling blocks I have seen from thousands of answers to Captivate user questions in all social media:
For each of those topics there is a Resources post with links to available articles in this portal: Quiz Resources, Timeline Resources, Theme Resources.
If you also aim at responsive course development (do not start with that) you can add a 4th stumbling block: mastering development with Fluid Boxes.
Whatever works best for you, be aware of the fact that finding your learning way in the multitude of non-curated tutorials will be a big challenge. Lot depends also on your already acquired skills and natural way of learning.
Even for a totally new tool you never start from 0. I find it very important to know the already acquired skills. Same for ‘basics’. I rarely will offer the same training schedule even for basic training, because lot depends not only on the existing skills, but also on the goals. Will you need software simulations? Will you work with a LMS? Will you work in a team or as a one man company? How will you acquire assets? Just some of the many questions I always have before laying out a training schedule.
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