January 22, 2021
Do you consider that Python has a future?
January 22, 2021
Do you consider that Python has a future?
Newbie 1 posts
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Do you consider that Python has a future?

2021-01-28 18:59:37
2021-01-28 18:59:37

There are many large programs build in python… and Data Science is built around Python… So…. I would say it has a strong chance?

Google was even built on python!

2021-01-24 09:25:28
2021-01-24 09:25:28

As programming language? No crystal ball here, but I have seen a lot of programming languages come and go. Some remain bit longer but no one can estimate the future. Look at normal applications: not always the best applications live longer, it depends on much more than just the quality. I have know presentation applications, spreadsheet applications that were way better than MS equivalents, but they were killed by MS.

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