January 20, 2021
Posting My First Project
January 20, 2021
Posting My First Project
Wizard 33 posts
Followers: 10 people

Greetings all.

I teased this in another post a couple of weeks back (if you happened to read it) and it took me longer to complete this than I would have liked. But that is ok. It is done now.

I am excited to post this project. It is from content that I created for the in-class environment, but I have edited (and re-re-re edited) over time and for this purpose. To be honest, I wasn’t focused as much on the content as I was in trying to put something together that I thought flowed well as an intro module. Am I 100% happy with it. I would be a fool to say yes.


With that, please take a view and let me know what you think. Constructive comments would be great. Super negative comments (which I do not see often here) will not detract me from creating more and becoming better.  That is what I am working towards 1 1/2 months into using the software.

Thanks all.

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