January 25, 2021
Publish Failed
January 25, 2021
Publish Failed
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people


I am newer to Captivate and now at a loss. My slides are only partially loading and when I try to look at them in HTML 5, I get a Publish Fail error. It was working just fine two hours ago. I am on a PC.

Help and thank  you!

1 Comment
2021-01-27 20:47:27
2021-01-27 20:47:27

Can you mention the full version number as you can find under Help, About Captivate?

Are the paths in Preferences, General settings pointing to folders on your system, not on a networked drive?

Are you publishing to HTML5? Did you check with the HTML tracker under Project if you didn’t include non-compatible items?

Do you run Captivate with ‘Run as Administrator’ setting?

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