Looking on quick method to locate SWF files within a module and therefore be able to eliminate it.
I know I have seen posts previously on this topic. I am trying to QUICKLY determine and thus eliminate SWF within multiple elearning modules. We previously ran the HTML5 tracker and fixed the items that were identified although our LMS recently ran a report identifying that several of our modules still contain SWF files although were not picked up by the HTML5 tracker. How do you determine where in the elearning module (that was created with captivate) that the SWF file is located?
Can you give some more details? Learning Interactions were developed as SWF widgets, but have been made compatible with HTML output. Is it possible that those were mentioned by the HTML tracker? It is also possible that you used external SWF widgets, not sure if those are tracked by the HTML tracker.
Did you test the published versions? Do they present issues when playing in any browser?
I’m wondering, as Lieve asked, if you’ve been able to run through the modules with no problems. Because I’m wondering if the SWF files are just “there” from the original build, even though you’ve fixed/updated your modules to not use Flash. If you can locate the SWF files in your published output, you might try viewing them using the Adobe Flash Player Projector – this is a free app from Adobe that will run your SWF files locally (and from a URL – just not in a browser). This is the link for Adobe Projector.
Kim, I don’t know if you understood me correctly. Some elements in Captivate were originally SWF-based (skins is another example as are FMR-slides) but on publishing will either be converted or run in a wrapper to make them compatible with HTML output. I don’t understand why trying to run the original SWF would help here?
Problem is that the IT people of the LMS just ‘see’ SWF and do not know what the results are. That is why I asked if the courses are blocked or not, even in a desktop browser where the Flash Player plugin has been disabled.
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