February 5, 2021
Crossword Puzzle template?
February 5, 2021
Crossword Puzzle template?
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Is there a crossword puzzle template available in Captivate 19 or has someone built one that they are willing to share? Thank you.

2021-02-12 20:55:30
2021-02-12 20:55:30

This is an interesting option for elearning. Sorry, but I don’t have a template or sample to share. I think creating a crossword will be a lot of custom work to design. Puzzles have different numbers of questions and different lengths and directions of answers. Black squares are not in the same location of every puzzle.

As for the process of creating a crossword in general, I have linked a video you may be interested in watching.



2021-02-05 12:04:15
2021-02-05 12:04:15

The most recent version of Captivate is 11.5, one of the many releases under the common name CP2019. Which exact version can be found under Help, About Captivate.

CPTL-files which are the template files of Captivate are best not used anymore especially when they have variables and shared/advanced actions.  You may find example files (cptx) but there is not such a file included with Captivate. There is game category in the ‘model projects’ here. Maybe?

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