Greetings all.
I have spent 3 months now working with the latest and greatest version (just a term, not indicating that it is better than other versions – I would not know) of Captivate and I have learned a lot during my time.
And that is really how I have approached my time with the software. I wanted to learn as much as I can so I would be able to develop some interesting and fun projects. I have posted one and I have 2 others that I haven’t yet posted (coming soon) and I like them. Could I do some things better? Sure. If you’re not trying to get better, what is the point? But I do like what I have done. One of the projects I completed was presented as part of a presentation to some colleagues and it was well received, so I am really happy with that.
In my learning journey on this software, I have asked questions of the community, interacting with some smart and experienced people. Some have shared links to blogs and YouTube pages (which I have visited) to help answer my questions but also to help me learn. It has been a great experience thus far.
A couple of the people that have helped are Lieve Weymeis and Paul Wilson. Both of these contributors are helpful and knowledgable, so they have been helpful in sharing information to the “newbs”, as I still consider myself. I also want to point out Greg Stager who has also been really helpful.
Meaning no disrespect to anyone else, I want to highlight Paul Wilsons “The Captivate Teacher” YouTube channel as a resource that I have visited many times to learn and try something new. A lot of what he has recorded has been helpful to me, and some hasn’t, at least not yet, but it could be down the road. The videos “The Teach” has produced as quick snips of information that focus on one element of Captivate at a time. Personally, I like the approach. The Microlearning approach, and I find it easy to follow, easy to implement some of the topics he teaches.
Using all I have learned, I have some thoughts and opinions on what the software has to offer. The disclaimer: I have not learned everything. I have learned what I have and I have created what I have. What follows are my thoughts on the software.
Point 1: Captivate can produce some nicely designed eLearning projects.
Using some of my design experience and drawing on what I like to see in others designs, I think there is capability to use what is included in the software to make some really nice looking elearning modules. I personally like what I have done in an overall sense. As I have mentioned, I think I can do better and I am working on it. In the case of the presentation to my colleagues, it was a quick snip of information, but there is something in that I wish I could have done better. In my first project post, there is definitely something I would have changed. But, I have been happy with how they looked, from a design perspective. These are courses that I would enjoy participating in.
Point 2: I am not fully convinced on the responsive product that Captivate offers.
Now, this may be a point of contention for others. And to be completely honest, I haven’t spent that much time in the grand scheme of things producing responsive projects. One of the projects I mentioned earlier is a responsive template that I am mostly proud of. I wanted to produce a template so I could test out fluid boxes, work with the design and output a bit and try to make something I am proud of. And while this project has taken some time, and I am not quite finished yet, I am pretty proud of what I have developed. It doesn’t have any content, but that is on purpose as this is about the design and getting something to work. I didn’t want to also get distracted with the content at this point. My next responsive project will include content, I promise. This template I plan on sharing soon.
But as s fully responsive, mobile delivery product, I personally am not fully convinced. I have found that I have had to make sacrifices and compromises along the way. This is part of what has taken so long to do with this template. These adjustments have taken some time and they have taken some thought to adjust my expectations on the design. It is a work in progress, and I have seen some really nice mobile friendly projects. But for me, at least at this point, I am not fully convinced that Captivate is that mobile friendly. I know there will be others that disagree. Those with much more experience than I. That’s cool. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Point 3: Captivate has a lot more to it than I have been able to analyze.
In my studies and going over what “The Teach” has produced videos for, I do realize that I have only scratched he surface to this point. There is so much more to this piece of software than I have been able to get to at this point. I also realize that me doing an analysis of software may be premature are this point. I am fully aware. And to be honest, I wanted to write this post as s way for me keep track of my progress. Keep track of the thoughts I have as I continue to work with this piece of software.
So, I think that is it at this point. I had a few points I wanted to make and it is what I have written here. As I go on, I may update this post, or create a second post as start of a series. This has been an interesting experience, and it has been a good process for me. I enjoy writing and participating in the community and it has helped me, at least I believe it has, which is why I am still here. I appreciate those who have taught me and have shared with me, and for those who share their work so I can see what can be done. There are some things I want to try out, and hopefully I can make the things I have in my head come true. It remains to be seen, but the path continues.
Thanks all.
Thanks for sharing this. I started working in Captivate sometime last year and was really excited about the possibilities. I learned a lot from this community but I had to abandon it when other things became a priority. Hopefully, I can revisit again in the next few weeks.
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