Greeting all.
As the heading suggests, I would like to do something similar the the learning interaction that is included in Captivate. I would (and was about to) use the one that in included, but as you need to pause the slide to use the interaction, it has lost some appeal for me.
I also found a slide that is what I am looking for, but I can’t get certain things to show on that slide so I could customize it – not the first time that has happened.
I searched a few layers in the community and did not fine the tips I was looking for. I also searched the greater web to see what I could find and unfortunately I did not find it either.
So, thought I would ask the community – can anyone help me with this? Anyone have suggestions on how to make this happen?
Appreciate the help with this. Would really like to figure this out – I will continue to find some what on my own as well, but more brains on it might be effective.
I can appreciate your desire to make your own.
I also prefer this to using the available learning interactions as it gives me better control over what I need.
I once built my own “accordion” about a year and a half ago but I relied on JavaScript to do it. If I were to revisit that project, my guess is that I would try tackling it a little different yet again but would still use JavaScript in the process.
You may have run into it in your searches – if not, here is the link if you’re interested.
Thanks Greg. It did come up in my search. Unfortunately I do not know js. I suppose I can learn. But will take time.
appreciate the comments. Maybe I will figure something out in my trials. If I do, I will be sure to share.
thanks again.
Hi there.
Good point about the next button – that would do what I am looking to do. But after posting this question, I did find a way to pause the slide as well – in the On Enter drop down on the actions tab. Just as FYI. It pauses the screen and allows for time to go through the slide. But I still have a desire to try to create my own, if I can. Still learning, but gaining all the time.
I am referring to one of the quick start projects – the Diverse layout and the Horizontal Accordion Layout I was looking at. I like to go into these slides sometimes to see if I can recreate them on my own – just a little bit of my learning – so I can develop/create interactions from scratch.
Anyway, I haven’t looked at the link provided yet, but I will check it out when I get some additional free time.
Thanks for the comments.
There is a problem with using the On Enter event to pause the slide as I have mentioned when talking about the Quick Start Projects where they use Pause On Enter a lot. If you ever add audio, entrance effects, video nothing will happen: audio nor video will start playing, effects will not happen. It is rarely a good idea to use Pause On Enter. And strangely: even with Pause On Enter, an animation will play although the play head stops before the first frame. See this blog:
Ok so I guess the next button it is. Good to know that but of information
I would still like to be able to build my own interaction so hopefully I can get steered in the right direction.
Thanks for believing me (the QSP developers not always do). It doesn’t have to be a Next button, only seems the most logical choice to offer control to the learner. They can stay on the slide as long as they want, and decide when to proceed. If you use a non-visible pausing point or your idea with the Pause command (which has not totally the same result) they need to have at least the playbar and use the Forward or play button to proceed.
For your own accordion, have a look at the Quick Start Projects. Some of them have vertical and horizontal accordions. Understanding the underlying advanced actions is not always easy, but it can help understanding workflows and create your own workflows.
That is part of the problem I have had with the quickstart projects – some of the ones I have looked at are hard to update – the accordion slide I mentioned, I can’t seem to see at least half of what is on the slide to update. I am still looking into them however, but I was hoping there was a way to create it on my own. Personally, I think that helps me to understand the software better.
I’ll keep digging into them to see if there is something I can use.
Thanks again.
Indeed, that is the reason I created several blogs about the QSP. At this moment have issues with my host, all my sites are off line and without warning. This means I cannot give you links.
Especially the horizontal accordion in the QSP is complicated: reason is that they need to move the clickable regions, and that means that the actions triggered are no longer working. That is a very short summary of the reason why that one is so complicated. The vertical accordion is more accessible, I feel. Of course I have more than 12 years experience with advanced actions. JS may be a better approach, as Greg points out, but I love to push Captivate’s actions to their limits.
I am curious.
If one does not have the slide on pause – how do you determine how much time to allow people to interact with objects on the stage? If I am clicking tabs on an accordion to read the content – maybe even take some notes – that will take some time. Each learner will end up taking a different amount of time than another.
I personally do not use the timeline. I set all my objects for 1 sec. default and navigation is 100% user driven.
I know I get frustrated when a slide moves forward before I am finished.
HI Greg.
I don’t think I communicated as well as I thought on second read. My apologies. Sometimes this small entry box is more limiting that it needs to be – I should expand it more.
What I am saying is that the slide doesn’t automatically pause when you insert the interaction, and at first glance, it did not seem that I could simply do that. But I spent some more time with it and found a way.
I don’t usually work with the included interactions, at least not so far, but I can see how some might be useful, which is why I wanted to check it out.
So, yes, I do want to pause the slide so that you can click through the content and understand what is on the slide – stopping the autoplay. With any type of tabbed interaction, it is going to take some time, and setting a length of time on the slide doesn’t cover it for every one. Adding the next button as Lieve suggested, which honestly I wasn’t thinking of but should have been, also does what I would like it to do.
Thanks for the comment, and sorry for any confusion.
Why is the fact that you have to pause the interaction so important? It means just inserting a Next button, which has a pausing point.
As for your real question, please provide some more details. I suspect you are talking about such a slide from one of the Quick Start Projects which you find in the Assets panel. At least if you have the most recent version of Captivate, 11.5.
If that is the case, please mention the name AND the slide you want to customize. I have some blogs trying to explain how to customize those slides, but that may not be sufficient. Here is one of those blogs:
If you talk about another slide you found somewhere on the Internet, I think you should try to contact the author of that slide.