March 12, 2021
Backgrounds disappeared – show in preview pane, library but not when we click a slide. Captivate 2019 v.11.
March 12, 2021
Backgrounds disappeared – show in preview pane, library but not when we click a slide. Captivate 2019 v.11.
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

We have a file which may be corrupted…we see the background (software simulations) in the preview panels but not on the slide. all slides show the image but when you click the slide itself, background is gone and only highlights, and Click instructions appear-no background. Theme, Master File, etc. are always the same.  I looked in library and they are there but can’t do anything with them.  File is local and was even resaved as a new file.  It worked earlier today. upon reopen says it’s corrupt. Can’t open from cache or .bak.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Please reply to and me

2021-03-15 14:48:34
2021-03-15 14:48:34

This didn’t seem to post the first time, so apologies if it shows up twice:

I have the same problem. It started when I added Previous and Next buttons on Tuesday, March 9.

I was also adding Kate’s voice to my slides, but even with Adobe saying they’ve fixed the sound assets problem, my file has not improved / reverted at all.

Thanks for any help,




's comment
2021-03-16 08:48:12
2021-03-16 08:48:12
's comment

Did you read my comment, please? The sounds assets mentioned in Dr. Partridge’s blog has nothing to do with TTS which you used.

Since it happened on that famous Tuesday, you other problems may have been linked with the error. Were you able to save the project, because that was the issue?

I may have answered  your question already (most users never see the answers for an unknown reason).  Probably with two points:

  • Software simulations do need a Blank master slide. If you have deleted or edited that master slide you may end up with a problem like you described because the custom background or objects will cover the backgrounds captured during the simulation.
  • If you are using a non-responsive project the only Preview which shows closely what HTML5 output will be, is F11 (Preview HTML in Browser). Did you test with that Preview method in different browsers?
2021-03-14 10:10:50
2021-03-14 10:10:50

I am just a user, prepared to answer questions in public forums. However I don’t send mails. Please set up your notifications in this forum.

It is just guessing: Software simulations are created using the Blank master slide in any theme. The problem you mentioned could be that you have put objects on that Blank master slide, which are covering up the software sim backgrounds. Can you please check the Blank master slide? Especially if you have covered the slide or filled it with another background. More information in:


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