Buffering issue
When i publish my video to .mp4 i see the buffering symbol (the black and white spinning wheel).
It appears to show up between slides.
Is there anyway to fix this issue?
I just took the same content and published to SWF and there is no issues. There is no spinning wheel buffering, and there is no chopping of the audio. So it is something in the .MP4 output.
Is there some setting I should be looking for to fix this??
My videos are relatively small. I see this happening in videos that are only 25 meg. I had videos this size before and did not see this buffering. It seems to happen since i have upgraded to Captivate 2019. I also have notice that it clips the audio at times as well (and the audio is not running up to the end of the slide)
Is it possible there are some defaults that have changed from one version to the next?
Each audio and video clip in HTML output needs to be loaded On Enter for each slide. That may take a while, depending on the used bandwidth, device and the duration (and other parameters) of the vide.
Keeping size of the videos as small as possible to get the minimum requested quality is very important, more than for graphics.
Or use streaming, but that will mean you need to pay for a dedicated streaming service.
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