March 16, 2021
Externally edited Audio in a Video reverting to pre-edit
March 16, 2021
Externally edited Audio in a Video reverting to pre-edit
Originally the video with the beeps was inserted but then deleted, so I could edit it and reinsert it.  I have deleted the entire slide and created a new one and it doesn’t help.

I had a similar problem with another video in which my two speakers had different volumes. I edited the MP4 to equalize their volume but when I pull it into Captivate it reverts back to the old version.

What am I doing wrong?

I am using Captivate 2019.

2021-03-17 14:27:44
2021-03-17 14:27:44

I’d suggest you delete the video from your library (in Captivate) and then check the file where you have it stored (I assume in your Premier assets) to make sure it doesn’t have the beeping, then reimport it. You may be pulling in the old file instead of the new one.

Emily Wood
's comment
2021-03-19 18:19:12
2021-03-19 18:19:12
Emily Wood
's comment

You can also give the new version a unique name. Adobe Captivate is probably assuming you are using the same object and avoiding increasing your project size by reusing the old video.

2021-03-17 09:17:32
2021-03-17 09:17:32

I suspect you are talking about a Video Demo? Do you know that you can replace only the audio in such a Video? That is always my workflow:

  • I prepare the narration text before capturing
  • I will capture and do a temporary narration using the text, but have the main focus on the video part
  • After editing the Video Demo, I use Audition to do the final audio clip. You can use the roundtripping with Audio, Edit, Video Audio which offers you the Audition button.

There has never been a roundtripping with Premiere Pro. You cannot open the raw cpvc file in PP but need to use the published MP4 which is already a drawback since it means uncompression and recompression. I only use the Video Demo editor and the roundtripping with Audition. In PP you can use Audition as well, but that is a designed workflow (not that old).  I am not at all sure this would work for Captivate.

You remembered me that I had planned a blog about creation/edition of Video Demos since quite a while. However I postponed because very few users seem to use Video Demo.

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